Minggu, 12 Juni 2016

The Importance of Early Childhood Education- Argumentative Writing

Early Childhood Education or usually called PAUD is children educational level before they enter kindergarten. At this stage, children will be taught to learn through play so that children will be stimulated to learn but do not feel overwhelmed and bored. The lessons will be designed as attractive as possible so that children feel happy to learn. The children are also taught to socialize with friends and teachers in the school environment.
According to Byrnes, early childhood education will give children preparing to face future periods, the closest is facing a period of school. "Currently, some kindergarten children are already asking students who wish to enroll there are already able to read and count. In the kindergarten had already begun to be taught social skills and problem solving. Because the abilities that was to be established at an early age, "said Byrnes.
In early childhood education, these aspects will be stimulated is the growth and physical development, language, communication, and intelligence of children such as intellect, creativity, emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence. This is the reason why early childhood education is very important. Early childhood education is an education that is fundamental to the development of human resources.

Selasa, 31 Mei 2016

News Item - President of Indonesia Attends the Commemoration of the Birth of Pancasila in Bandung

Jakarta - Today, President of Indonesia Mr. Jokowi will attend the commemoration of the birth of Pancasila in Bandung, West Java. The city became one of the central commemoration of the birth of Pancasila June, 1st 2016.

The event will hold to commemorate the birth of Pancasila as well as to commemorate Bung Karno's speech. It as a form of homage to the figure of the founder of the Indonesia Nation Ir. Soekarno that is exemplary. Mr. Jokowi will deliver his speech about Pancasila and Bung Karno in Gedung Merdeka after the parade on Asia Afrika Street.

As cited from liputan6.com, the man who is more familiar as Kang Emil said that for people of Bandung, we'll have a poetry competition about Pancasila and Bung Karno, then drawing competition of Bung Karno sketch, competition wearing a cap for men. On 1st June, Asia Afrika Street will be closed from morning until afternoon.

Jumat, 06 Mei 2016

Report Text

Priscatiyana Intan Kusumadewi - F2B013007
UNIMUS English Department

Social Media is an online media that the users able to easily participate, share and create some contents. In social media you can interact with other users, or perhaps even establish business relationships with people from various circles.
Nowadays, social media has become a staple for some people, they are like an addiction that would feel weird if one day do not use the site to share this information. Examples of social media used by the general public is a Blog, BBM, Instagram, Facebook, and others.
Among teenagers currently use popular social media like Instagram. Instagram is one example of a social media photo-sharing application form that allows users to take photos, apply a digital filter, and distributed them to various social networking services, including Instagram's own belonging. Instagram application can be downloaded on Android, iPhone, and Windows Phone. Instagram can also be accessed via PC in www.instagram.com website, but with different features to apps that installed on your mobile phone.
Features of the Instagram app that installed on your mobile phone but not owned by Instagram website is Direct Message, a feature that is used to communicate privately among Instagram users. The second is an application installed on the mobile phone, users can upload their photos to Instagram collection, but if we access through the website, these features are not available.

Rabu, 06 April 2016

Recount Text


Last weekend, I went to my hometown, Tegal. I went to my hometown on Friday at 5 pm after all completed my lecture schedule. I returned to Tegal by "Kaligung Mas" train. At 7 pm, I arrived at Tegal railway station and my father had arrived at the station to pick me up. Directly, My father and I went to the home, Until to the home I immediately took a rest.
At Saturday morning, I was asked by my aunt to make up my nephew who will follow fashion show contest in her school to celebrate her School Anniversary. After that I helped my mother and my aunt cooked for a family gathering event which falls on tomorrow. Start to cook staple dish, dessert, until snack. My family and I cooked some meal for the event tomorrow morning until 10 pm.
The next day, I woke up before dawn to prepare everything else, ranging from dishes, until cleaned up the place for the event. The event ran from 9 am until 12 noon. After the event was over, my family and I cleared my home. We finished up the home at 2 pm.

We were very tired after yesterday and today was busy preparing for this event. Praise the show smoothly and very satisfying because we prepared to mature. This is my weekend events before I came back to Semarang.

Selasa, 22 Maret 2016


Guci Indah is tourism attraction in Tegal. This place is located near Slamet mountain. To get to the attraction, it takes an hour from the Down Town. It is about 40 kms to the south. There are so many hot springs. The way to the attraction has beautiful amazing landscape. We will pass through some nice green hills and the way is interesting because it has up down tortuous way. Guci has fresh cold air. Guci Indah is popular great tourism attraction in Central Java, especially in Tegal.

Minggu, 17 Januari 2016

Final Exam of Book Report and Review "THE LITTLE PRINCE"


The Author      : Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Published        : in 1943
The Little Prince has written in France language, but it has been translated into 180 languages for all readers around the world. This novel tells there is a little boy who loves to draw. But, when he showed the picture to an adult, they told him to stop drawing and start learning other things. Finally, the little boy stopped drawing and grew to become a pilot.
One day the pilot is stranded in the Sahara desert when his plane crashed. He tried to fix his plane because he had only enough drinking water for one week. In this desert, he met the little prince asked him to draw a sheep. The pilot admitted that he could not draw a sheep, but eventually he would. After  some images initially rejected by the prince, the pilot draws a box and saidthere is a sheep in the box”. Not unexpectedly prince liked.
The little prince came from a very small planet, smaller than a house. On the planet, he has a rose and 3 volcanoes, 2 active and 1 inactive. Every morning after he finished taking care of himself, he began to take care of the planet.
Once, the little prince leaves his beloved planet to travel to some other planets. On the first planet, he meets a king who wants to be obeyed absolutely. On this planet, he learned many things about the power and obedience.
In the second planet, he met with a very arrogant person, who wants to be praised, and the journey continues to the third planet inhabited by a drunkard. The next planet was inhabited by businessman who is very busy and serious to count the stars, which in fact didn’t have. And the fifth planet inhabited by people who turn on the lamp and sixth planet inhabited by cartographer/geographer. In each planet, the little prince learns a lot of things, which led him to conclude the adults it is strange, really strange.
Then came the prince in the last planet, the Earth. On Earth, he is an awful a lot to get a lesson on the meaning of existence, the existence of the planet, it is also about life. He fell in the desert and was surprising how big this planet. Earth is remarkable place.
On the Earth, he met with a snake with the power to send someone to their home planet. Then, he met with a desert flower. After that, the prince climbs the mountain to see the world more clearly and were surprised when hearing their own echo. He thinks that humans are very odd because they always repeat what he said.
Prince was up to the garden full of roses. He was surprised because he thought that his rose specials and the only one in the world. The princess was crying. Then the prince met with a fox, and he tame the fox.
After a few days with the prince, the pilot dying of thirst, but he and the little prince finally found a welt. After thinking for a moment, the little prince says goodbye to the pilot because it was time to return to his home planet. The prince finally volunteered himself bitten by a snake to get back to his planet. The next day, the pilot thought that the little prince had returned to his home planet because he didn’t find her everywhere.
            I think this novel very interesting because, in this novel the author conveyed some moral value to us. One of them is we must take responsibility for what we have done, even though it occurred in the past. Happy Reading Guys!

Reviewed by Priscatiyana Intan Kusumadewi