Jumat, 06 Mei 2016

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Priscatiyana Intan Kusumadewi - F2B013007
UNIMUS English Department

Social Media is an online media that the users able to easily participate, share and create some contents. In social media you can interact with other users, or perhaps even establish business relationships with people from various circles.
Nowadays, social media has become a staple for some people, they are like an addiction that would feel weird if one day do not use the site to share this information. Examples of social media used by the general public is a Blog, BBM, Instagram, Facebook, and others.
Among teenagers currently use popular social media like Instagram. Instagram is one example of a social media photo-sharing application form that allows users to take photos, apply a digital filter, and distributed them to various social networking services, including Instagram's own belonging. Instagram application can be downloaded on Android, iPhone, and Windows Phone. Instagram can also be accessed via PC in www.instagram.com website, but with different features to apps that installed on your mobile phone.
Features of the Instagram app that installed on your mobile phone but not owned by Instagram website is Direct Message, a feature that is used to communicate privately among Instagram users. The second is an application installed on the mobile phone, users can upload their photos to Instagram collection, but if we access through the website, these features are not available.

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